You should be able to find all information in relation to joining Balwearie on our website, either via our joining proceedures page or F.A.Q page
However please fee free to contact via email if you cannot find the answers to your questions on our website, - Please check on here first, thank you
Let's Talk
Unit 6 & 7, Block 11
Mitchelston Ind Est
Please only contact if you cannot find the answers to your questions on our website - preferred method of contact - EMAIL
You should be able to find all answers to your questions on our website, either via the join procedures page or F.A.Q page
However please fee free to contact via email if you cannot find the answers to your questions on our website
Gym manager/ Head Coach
Lorraine Crawford
07397 552167 - emergency's only
Child Protection Officer- Only contact in relation to a Child protection matter
Angela Younger
Conduct or Complaints Policy see information below
Balwearie Gymnastics promotes an open and transparent complaint policy. Should you feel it necessary to raise a complaint relating to any conduct issue or a complaint against any coaches please ensure the following guidelines are adhered to
Initial contact to be made with Head Coach who will assess the complaint and provide a front line resolution if possible. Should you feel this merits further investigation or are unhappy with the resolution provided then your complaint should be detailed in writing to Balwearie Board of Directors who can be contacted on the following email address or alternatively fill out an online contact form above which will be directed to the appropriate department to best handle your complaint.
Board Members -
Lorraine Crawford, Lynette Sharp, Douglas McVitie